Our simple and unique sourcing tools multiply your product sources at the lowest price and get them to you right when you need them.
Launch your B2B volume with innovative solutions and tools like Virtual Sourcing, our AllSource platform, or sourcing from online marketplaces around the globe. We have made it simple for you to connect to our capabilities that were built, tested, and are used everyday in real world environments.
Why not use the web and its endless supply of inventory to lower your wholesale cost, lower capital expenditures, increase your product offerings and grow your business? Far Corner has been doing just this for years and has developed solutions that constantly search all corners of the web for the best prices on guaranteed product from the most reputable vendors.
Now you can leverage our cloud based systems that automatically search for advantaged pricing on any catalog of products from highly vetted vendors that guarantee their products. You will be absolutely amazed at the opportunities for reducing your cost on virtually every item you resell or use. Our free report will show you exactly how much you can save.
And, to stay competitive today, it is critical to have as much pricing intelligence as possible for your inventory on hand as well as your upcoming purchases. These same scanning tolls provide deep insight into competitors' pricing and give you exactly the information you need to win every time.
The AllSource platform that brings this supply and demand together allows our partners to determine the best application of the inventory they have available while finding stock that they can use to fill their customer’s orders.
To find out how you can grow your sales on these venues and others, contact us.
Danielle Hainsey dhainsey@farcornerinc.com 410-423-0862
Put the constant downward pricing pressure on marketplaces to work for you to save money
Use our Seller Focused fulfillment network to cut costs, improve ship times, and simplify your tasks
Use the demand on 75 marketplaces to maximize the value of your excess inventory.